Guardian Digital's Email Security Intelligence, Tips & Tricks & Blog - Page No: 4

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Trends for 2024: Mobile is the New Target
Mobile phones have become indispensable companions, housing a treasure trove of personal and sensitive information. However, with great convenience comes significant vulnerability.
Investing in Email Security: Reaping the Benefits & Navigating the Challenges
Email security is paramount in safeguarding sensitive information and mitigating cyber threats. However, organizations often need help investing in robust email security solutions and navigating potential cost traps and drawbacks.
How Can Information Assurance Help Secure Sensitive Data?
In today's digital age, where information is the lifeblood of businesses and organizations, ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability has become paramount. This is where information assurance plays a pivotal role.
The Cloud and Data Loss: How to Protect Your Organization's Critical Data
Data loss can be extremely damaging for a business, affecting your brand's reputation, as well as financial losses from lawsuits, fines for non-compliance, and intellectual property theft. Data loss prevention (DLP) is the set of practices and tools that prevent data leakage, consisting of encryption, detection, preventative measures, educational pop-ups, and Machine Learning to identify vulnerabilities. Encompassing managed services, cloud capabilities, and enhanced threat protection, increased data breach have led to a surge in DLP to protect sensitive data.
Identity Verification in a Data Privacy-Conscious World: The Future of Digital Security
Identity verification technology is often underappreciated, yet it plays a crucial role in securing sensitive data and maintaining the integrity of business operations. Every day, billions of online transactions occur worldwide, and it is through ID verification systems that users are authenticated. This simple yet essential concept enables businesses, whether fashion designers or local bakeries, to distinguish between legitimate customers and scammers, protecting the integrity of their operations.
A Student’s Perspective on Phishing Scams in Universities
Phishing is an online scam that targets consumers by sending them an email that appears to be from a well-known source – an Internet service provider, a bank, or a mortgage company, for example. These scams are one of the many ways cybercriminals manage to get users and businesses to share sensitive information that can be monetized unknowingly.

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